The Bowl of Saki (for every one): Bowl of Saki, February 14, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Bowl of Saki, February 14, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Man forms his future by his actions; his every good or bad action spreads its vibrations and becomes known throughout the universe. Bowl of Saki, February 14, by Hazrat Inayat Khan Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan: According to the ideas of the mystics the world in which we make our life is an Akasha, and Akasha means capacity. It is pictured by them as a dome; and whatever is spoken in it has its echo. Therefore no one can do, say, or think anything for one moment which will become... Sign in to see full entry.

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