Bill's Pigeon Event Plaza: PART 68Have you felt disconnected b/w an experience and your sense of self?

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

PART 68Have you felt disconnected b/w an experience and your sense of self?

Bailey moved up and down his arms like a robot. The Saturday Night P O S T A) 🎵 Bill's R👀st 🤖☂️😷 Machine or mannequin (secret secret I've got a secret. ) With parts made on Japan (secret secret I've got a secret) My heart is human my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M. I'm just a man who needed... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: Never mind crime, have you felt glad to leave neighbors' backyard barbeque? - New Entries - Next: THE SUN: BILL'S WRITE, A POEM IN THREE PARTS

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